Today is the ‘welcome to myself’. Throughout the past years, site building credits have always been an issue I have been trying to wrap my head around.
At the bottom of the market, it seems only logical for webdesigners to put their names and websites in the footers of their client websites. Hoping to catch some SEO juice or maybe land a new client.
When your company leaves the bottom of the market, you learn clients don’t want your name on their websites. But if you provide true value, they become your ambassadors. That’s much more valueable.
When you hit enterprise level, it’s all about having cases on your website. But as one of my clients pointed out, it’s not always clear if the case is about the ‘current’ site. And what if you see a great website… how can you contact the person that built it? You start jumping through hoops.
What if identifying the creator of a website, was possible in a few seconds? Perhaps not only the developer, but also see who created the design of the website? Who took care of it’s SEO ranking?
Back in 2018, I first drew my plans for a system called sitecredits. A simple file that provides such information. A file that can evolve over time, depending on how the market evolves.
Today, the 18th of feb 2021 is the day I registered Now it’s just a matter of creating the standard and build an open organization that can make sure this new standard will live on for years to come. The journey begins…